Recovering Misogynist

This play was born of a blog post on October 15, 2017, the day that many people in the world became familiar with #metoo. It has been through several iterations, kindly sponsored by Cambridge Junction, Pulse Festival, Arts Council England, and Park Theatre. I spent a lot of time making it less about me but…

Happy New Year

This new year is going great so far. I deleted Facebook from my phone. I am sick to death of the whole damned narrative we are trapped in and I have to exit and look for a new one. We are so tribal and scripted now. We feel so constrained and powerless in our actions.…


Having concluded in my last post that I was, in the words of Lucy Prebbles, less of a feminist and more of a recovering misogynist, I am having some very odd days of #MeToo. For me this is groundbreaking. I think other people might feel that way too. We are all moving forward, we are…

Three Day Play

Three Day Play If you aren’t familiar with the Three Day Play, it’s a chance for kids to use their imagination to make up a character, then a community, then a story about conflict in the community. Usually it culminates in a 15 minute play completely devised by the children performing it. It’s not jazz…